Nightmares, icing cakes and commuting

It’s been a while since I last posted, partly because I have been surprisingly busy and partly because I have so much I could write about I can’t decide where to begin.

Parenthood dominates my world and influences everything I do as I am spending so much more time with my son than in London. He is going through a nightmare phase at the moment so keeps appearing in our room in the middle of the night, banging the door open, turning on the lights and recalling some terrible scenario such as a monster dragging him down the stairs or a tiger in his room.

This weekend just gone was his birthday, so I spent all week prepping for it; baking a cake, icing a cake, shopping, wrapping, cleaning, tidying, tidying again because my boy got everything out again…. but the party was great fun.

Last week I also had to commute up to London to do some work. (My wonderful parents looked after my son after nursery for me.) Folkestone is less than an hour from London by train and its such a pleasant journey compared to the tube or driving in London. I don’t miss that. But it was also really nice to be back in London. I love the hustle bustle, the mass of people, the glorious mix of people, the way that turning a corner brings a new view of life. But there are things I don’t miss. The sound of sirens was the norm in my old home as I lived by the A12. Now when I very occasionally get woken up by sirens at night I think I am still in London until I become conscious enough to hear a seagull or, once the sirens have gone by, hear nothing at all. It is so quiet here in Folkestone and at night it is really dark, whereas in London there’s always a glow in the sky. Coming ‘home’ to Folkestone also felt good and I enjoyed watching the view from the train windows change from grey to green. I wish you could see the sea from the train, that would be the icing on the cake.